Congratulations to Tina Isenbarger, the 2019-2020 Recipient of the Monsignor Gerald Lewis Award for Excellence in Teaching. Ms. Isenbarger teaches at St. Ann Catholic School, Fayetteville. She was notified of her selection on March 13, 2020, the Friday before schools were closed due to the pandemic. The long-awaited mass to honor Ms. Isenbarger was finally celebrated at St. Ann’s Church on April 21.
You can read more about this beautiful event, covered by Mandy Howard, writer for the NC Catholic, on the Diocese of Raleigh website: (Linked with permission from NC Catholic editor Kate Watson.)

Keith Brown, Chair of the Lewis Award Committee

Monsignor Lewis and Tina Isenbarger

Anne Stahel, Founder of the Award, Monsignor Lewis and Tina Isenbarger

Tina Isenbarger, Recipient, and Rene Corders, Principal of St. Ann Catholic School