As we look forward to the 25th Anniversary of the Award in 2016-2017, each month the website will highlight past recipients.
Betty Pat Goddard
1992-1993 Monsignor Gerald Lawrence Lewis Award for Excellence in Teaching
Then & Now:
When she received the Award Mrs. Goddard was teaching Second Grade at Annunciation Catholic School in Havelock. She now resides in Oklahoma.
Mrs. Goddard reflects on teaching in a Catholic School.
“Teaching is a profession of hope. Every day is a clean slate. I like beginnings and teaching is one hundred seventy nine beginnings and one ending.”
“I believe the mission of Catholic schools is to teach as Jesus did. ‘Within such communities of faith, teachers and pupils experience together what it means to live a life of prayer, personal responsibility and freedom reflective of Gospel values. Their fellowship helps them to grow in their commitment to service of God, one another, the church, and the general community.’ Teach as Jesus Did.”
Sister Lisa Ann Golden, I.H.M.
1993-1994 Monsignor Gerald Lawrence Lewis Award for Excellence in Teaching
Then & Now:
When she received the Award Sister Lisa was teaching Second Grade at Sacred Heart Cathedral School in Raleigh. She is currently the principal of St. James Catholic School in Savannah, Georgia.
“What makes… an outstanding teacher… is the balance… of being firm and loving, challenging and supportive. My hope for each child… is that they know God’s deep love for them and that they maintain a self-confidence to always try their best.
The mission of Catholic Schools is to build strong Christian leaders, law-abiding citizens and service oriented people. Through a structured curriculum, the Catholic School System seeks to educate a responsible and resourceful person who is loyal to both Church and community, a person who is comfortable in spreading the Gospel message through their words and actions to all whom they meet in everyday life.”

Anne Stahel and Sister Lisa (2012)
Interesting Tidbit
Monsignor Gerald Lewis grew up Methodist in Biloxi, Mississippi. He had many Catholic friends and he converted to Catholicism as a young adult.
Msgr. Lewis was a corpsman in the U.S. Navy serving on the USS Deuel. He knew he was getting out of the navy soon and prayed that the Lord would tell him what his next mission in life should be. He made a pilgrimage to Lourdes with his chaplain. While there Msgr. Lewis prayed that the Blessed Mother would help him decide what to do. When he arrived back at the ship, mail was waiting for him. In his mail was a pamphlet titled Caring To Be A Priest. Young Jerry Lewis read the pamphlet thoroughly and the rest is history!